Raising Chicks
12:03 PM
After so many failed attempts at incubating eggs, I bought a Brinsea Mini Advanced on recommendation of a friend. The Brinsea is damn near fool-proof and I hatched out two batches of chicks (7 and 6) without much fuss. One died a day later after the second hatch from unknown causes, but I think I can say the incubator is a success.
After losing 4 birds to various weird things, I popped more eggs in the incubator. They're due to hatch in about 10 days. Candled them all last night. I suspect I have a blood ring on one, but rather than dump it, I'll hang onto it through hatch. All the rest look good and viable. I could even see movement, which was way cool. If all come out except the one I'm thinking won't, it'll be 6 chicks this time.
Because I'm hatching in a Brinsea Mini, I have to pull the chicks out, or they'll never dry. (Gets WAY too humid and crowded). So far, hasn't affected hatches yet.
Yesterday, I went to the local recycling home store to buy a "bunny prison" -- their term, not mine! It is a pen that is 5 ft long by about 2 ft deep and 28 inches tall and only cost me $10. It has a top that opens with hinges so you can feed, water, and play with the animals. I moved the 6 week old chicks into that. They're doing really well in it.
After losing 4 birds to various weird things, I popped more eggs in the incubator. They're due to hatch in about 10 days. Candled them all last night. I suspect I have a blood ring on one, but rather than dump it, I'll hang onto it through hatch. All the rest look good and viable. I could even see movement, which was way cool. If all come out except the one I'm thinking won't, it'll be 6 chicks this time.
Because I'm hatching in a Brinsea Mini, I have to pull the chicks out, or they'll never dry. (Gets WAY too humid and crowded). So far, hasn't affected hatches yet.
Yesterday, I went to the local recycling home store to buy a "bunny prison" -- their term, not mine! It is a pen that is 5 ft long by about 2 ft deep and 28 inches tall and only cost me $10. It has a top that opens with hinges so you can feed, water, and play with the animals. I moved the 6 week old chicks into that. They're doing really well in it.